100 Dream Challenge.
This collection is a mixture of some very real dreams I have, some minor thoughts that came to me, and some very silly ones that are just for fun. I think the process is there however.
Here goes.
1. To use my intellectual capacities everyday.
2. To be visually artistic.
3. To develop new creative strengths.
4. To be highly innovative.
5. To be more sensitive to the needs of others.
6. To be kinder.
7. To notice others more.
8. To be more aware of social interactions around me.
9. To have a condo in the city.
10. To write everyday.
11. To learn to cook better.
12. To practice relaxation often.
13. To love going to the gym.
14. To learn to skate.
15. To not be embarrassed by not knowing how to skate.
16. To not allow myself to think others ridicule me for not knowing how to skate.
17. To get over the not knowing how to skate thing once and for all.
18. To have quality sleep.
19. To overcome obesity.
20. To love myself.
21. To be an active member of the LGTBQ community.
22. To return to graduate school and finish that masters degree.
23. To become healthier mentally.
24. To help others realize what they want in life.
25. To form my own identity.
26. To help others be creative.
27. To be musical again with others.
28. To not be jaded about life.
29. To not lose my voice.
30. To live to see LGTBQ rights finally realized all over the world.
31. To not use the word "I" so much anymore.
32. To be someone's dream-man. LOL.
33. For Kate Bush to release albums more frequently.
34. To stay in touch more frequently with friends I have known for a long time and who are dear to me.
35. To finally learn what my life is to be about.
36. To not be so shy sometimes.
37. To overcome sugar addiction.
38. To weight train at least 5 times a week regularly.
39. To play a Doctor Who companion on tele.
40. To play the 13th Doctor Who.
41. To acknowledge other people's accomplishments more.
42. To help someone learn something new everyday.
43. To have shoulder length long hair that suits me well.
44. To meet Annie Lennox so I can thank her.
45. To figure out what political party in Canada I should vote for.
46. To finally get over loss and regrets of the past.
47. To learn to make wine.
48. To see cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, and many other terrible illnesses be defeated forever.
49. For all people to no longer feel it necessary to believe in a god.
50. For all people to no longer feel organized religion should be tolerated.
51. For all people to finally realize there is no god, and that Humanity in itself can be wonderful in its own way.
52. To see an end to all forms of genocide.
53. For Aboriginal Canadians to live free of discrimination.
54. For all kinds of school yard bullying to be eradicated.
55. To move to downtown Toronto in the near future.
56. To figure out the point of Twitter.
57. To learn to speak French fluently.
58. To master accents and dialects of the UK.
59. To create and amass several Victorian- and Edwardian-influenced Steampunk garments.
60. To see a mainstream revival of clothing styles from the Victorian and Edwardian eras.
61. To learn all of the remaining missing episodes of classic Doctor Who have been found and are being released on DVD.
62. To find out if David Tennant is a good kisser.
63. To learn how to make a great dirty vodka martini that my friends would love.
64. To dance more.
65. To become a better listener.
66. To travel and explore the Canadian Territories.
67. To learn to budget my finances just a little bit more efficiently.
68. To push myself to go to bed at a decent time each night and not stay on the computer so much.
69. To entertain and hold dinner parties for friends again.
70. To not be jealous of others.
71. To try to be more assertive and introduce myself to people who I want to introduce myself to.
72. To attend social events more frequently.
73. To start dating again.
74. To be aware of it when someone is flirting with me (Apparently I miss this all the time, so i've been told).
75. To get a tattoo.
76. To help people find financing for university tuition.
77. To give more money to charities that are important to me.
78. To volunteer for a youth poverty committee.
79. To know if someone is reading my mind (LOL).
80. To meet and thank Björk.
81. To learn the art of documentary film making.
82. To invest more towards my retirement.
83. To host a radio show on CBC Radio One that features only independent musicians, artists, and film makers.
84. To work in public relations.
85. To work in publicity (From what I understand, this is to be differentiated from p.r.)
86. To visit Iceland.
87. To no longer let people bring me down and drain me.
88. To be fascinating.
89. To instantly be able to successfully push myself to go to the gym instead of giving in to low energy.
90. To learn body painting (I don't mean cars).
91. To learn a martial art.
92. To start a court dancing revival (It could be done).93. To be better at waking early in the morning.
94. To get a letter delivered by an owl stating I have been officially accepted entrance into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
95. To be selected into Slytherin house.
96. To stop worrying when someone isn't interested in being my friend. I'm a great friend. They're loss.
97. To start and conduct a secular music youth choir.
98. To enjoy gardening.
99. To read more literature.
100. To try a little harder everyday.
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