Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sonnet / Continued Art

Challenge Seven
Creative Writing ENGL 3516
Professor Meyer
July 13 2006
Composed by Richard Birch
This work Copyright (C) 2006 Richard Birch

It seems to be loneliness you above all share
with a pinch of strength in every action and movement.
When anyone else who loses like this would despair
you find artistry in such torment.
To lose a home and a sense of identity,
is a rather clumsy and turbulent thing.
I also know what it is to seek for such purity
only to discover I can no longer sing.
It is true there is no such thing as disaster.
What we lose comes back to us in new formation.
There is only the utmost inability to master.
So we should only feel at ease, or elevation.
I’m sorry to hear you crumbled under all of this
Take pleasure in knowing your words still dance in synthesis

The above sonnet was composed in response to Elizabeth Bishop’s villanelle One Art.


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